In order to provide a spiritual enhancement among our members as well as among other Christian denominations, the Gospel conventions are a regular program of this parish. During the occasion of “Ettunombu Perunnal” one week annual Gospel convention is conducting with the leadership of profound speakers. During the Passion Week also a 3 day Gospel convention is arranged under the leadership of visiting Metropolitans.


“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord……Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:11-14) In order to reach this message to every member and to wish them, it is the practice to visit the residence of members by the church carol group. It is almost a three weeks program and a large number of members are participating very enthusiastically.


Annual blood donation campaign is one of our most important social obligations. A large number of donors voluntarily come forward to this noble cause. We used to arrange this campaign with Salmania Medical Center, Bahrain. It is a pleasure to note that the Ministry of Health honored us with a shield in year 2005 in appreciation of our commitment in this cause..


Free medical camps arranged for the public as social service, which enabled many people in Bahrain to have a check-up of their health status, especially it is very helpful for the labour category workers in Bahrain.


As a part of social service, we arrange visits to patients in Hospitals and labours in camps to comfort them and pray for them.


Kerala Christian Ecumenical Council is an umbrella for all the Episcopal churches in Bahrain and our parish is an active member if it. The main functions includes, Gospel convention, joint Christmas carol programme, inter-Sunday school competitions, retreats are much benefited services of this council.